Museum Resurrects Salvador Dali's Likeness Without His Consent

The Dali museum used some clever AI video manipulation techniques to make a fake Salvador Dali exhibit that interacts with visitors and takes selfies with them. It's strange, knowing that Dali doesn't have a say in how they're using a likenesss, and it's strange that no one is even asking that question. I find the whole thing ... a little bit creepy, and ethically questionable.

Granted, this is The Dali Museum. I think that makes it a lot more ok than if, say the Met or the Tate were to do this. They are the stewards of his work and his likeness, but the thing that makes this scenario questionable is that they are making his likeness do and say things that he never did. It goes beyond a historical reenactment or an objective view of his legacy, like Disney's Hall of President's (which I also think is weird), by imposing him into the future and into situations he was never in.

The articles regarding this have had nothing but good things to say. I guess it is a cool application of technology, and it is entertaining. My opinion on this whole exhibit is very loose at the moment, but I am surprised that no one is questioning it.
